Architecting and developing solution should drive appropriate selection of technology

Patient/Provider interaction is improving with the advent of Mobile applications, exchange of Medical records information etc. But this evolution has come at a high cost of friction especially around

• Trust

• Lack of access to certain information

• Transparency

• Security

Most of the technological investments in the last two decades where around digitizing electronic medical records, sharing data across providers etc.

There is a large part of patient’s data that exist outside of current EMR systems including IoT devices like Fitbit, Mobile phone health monitors, Insulin pumps, Blood Pressure meters, Weighing Scale along with social interaction data etc when patient is interacting outside of Provider’s firewall

As we continue to bring down healthcare cost, improve Patient outcome while providing highly secure, transparent and trust-based system for patient and every other participant in the health care network Block Chain technology provides a logical solution to address these challenges

Business Impact

  • To improve outcomes Providers, interact with Patients in many forms including Surveys, Questionnaire, Pre and Post follow up visits, Life style regiments, Virtual support etc.
  • Similarly, Patients rely on Education, Treatment plan options, Access to records, Medication, Appointments etc.
  • Typically, Providers see a 1 in 5 chances of a patient returning after a discharge and 25% of that cost is associated with administrative expenses of managing the return service
  • This combination of lack of transparent, trust-based system along with impact to poor outcome requires a better architecture that addresses these gaps
  • This trust-based system has much larger impact to the entire healthcare network as depicted and attributes for each participant

Block Chain Services Offering


Assist customers in identifying application areas for a Block Chain prototype


Design Thinking combined with Process Excellence in selection and proof of concept models


Develop Block Chain Application utilizing Agile methodology and provide quick impact assessment


Application integration and Scaling up

Technology Stack

Trbhi’s Block Chain Solution

  • Trbhi has developed a unique approach to aggregate Patient related information outside of Provider’s firewall
  • Patient related information are collected through IoT devices, API connection, Surveys, Financial systems etc and provide an aggregated TFS (Total Fitness Score)
  • We have utilized Block Chain’s key features specifically around, tamper-proof, auditable and verifiable data that can be shared in a high secure environment across friction free network of participants
  • Capabilities are further enhanced by setting up business rules through Smart Contracts
  • Our initial approach is to address the Patient and Provider interaction through Block Chain technology and eventually expand as depicted in our solution to integrate with other health care participant

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